Hi @everyone! ALA @ UCLA invites you to the Huntington Library Tour coming up in May. We will be exploring the reading room and other areas not typically available to the general public. Feel free to use the google sheet to sign up and coordinate rides!!(https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BdlhtsIgeju5YZc-7EvYDpc6QyjgEwsxHDcv-0VzVio/edit#gid=0)
ALA@UCLA is partnering with Central Library downtown for a tour on Monday November 13th, 1:30-3:00pm. The supervisors for the photo collection and history/genealogy department will be hosting us, and we will get a chance to see some other areas of the library as well. We did a tour of this library last spring, and it was very informative and fun! Please RSVP on this sign up sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/186XhKtmjDJVuDA1-52znT2jvhZcOOfpr9IVsDcqG7LQ/edit#gid=0
Welcome to UCLA and to GSEIS :)
ALA@UCLA officer positions for the 2023-2024 school year:
The UCLA student chapter of ALA was created to help promote ALA’s mission on the UCLA Campus. We are committed to converging our unique backgrounds and ideas, learning from each other and growing together as a community of information professionals in the various fields of information science. That means we value YOU, no matter what track you are on and encourage everyone to get involved with ALA events and activities! Follow us: http://ala-ucla.weebly.com/ https://www.instagram.com/ala_ucla/ Information about ALA can be found here: www.ala.org Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a fun and relaxing winter break. Stay tuned for exciting opportunities to follow from ALA this quarter, including mentorship and next year's officer selection. As always, if there are any ideas for things that you want to do, feel free to let us know.
Warm Regards, The ALA Team Hope to see you here! If you have any interest in archives, Los Angeles history, etc. It is highly recommended that you visit this event at USC on Saturday October 21.
https://laassubject.org/archives-bazaar Hello and welcome to a new year! My name is Renee Romero and I am the American Library Association (ALA) Student Chapter President for the 2017-2018 academic school year. I want to welcome the First Years to the program and the Second Years to their last year of the program! ALA is the oldest and largest library association in the world, turning 141 years old this coming October. It was founded in 1876 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a purpose of providing leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all. The UCLA student chapter of ALA was created to help promote ALA’s mission on the UCLA Campus. This year, our theme is Community. We are committed to growing together as a community of information professionals in the various fields of information science. That means we value YOU, no matter what track you are on and encourage everyone to get involved with ALA events and activities! We are planning a lot of awesome programs to help improve your professional development and also engage more with your peers and the UCLA Library community. I want to encourage you to get involved with whatever you are interested in; now is the perfect time to gain new experience and learn new things. I hope to see you at some of our events and look forward to getting to know everyone! Warmly, Renee Romero ALA President Contact Us: [email protected] Follow us: https://twitter.com/ALA_UCLA http://www.instabut.com/profile/ucla_ala/4790243956 ala-ucla.weebly.com/ facebook.com/groups/ALA.UCLA Information about ALA can be found here: http://www.ala.org/aboutala/ Posted by Julian Gautier
Francesca Marineo writes at ALA.org about making the most of library school, describing the benefits of being involved in student organizations, including ALA as student chapter president, the California Library Association, and California Academic and Research Libraries. Check it out here: http://www.ala.org/nmrt/news/footnotes/may2015/making-the-most-of-library-school Posted by Julian Gautier The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) has added a new section on its website just for student members! This page contains important information that will enhance your membership with YALSA, an active and prominent division of ALA. It provides links to student resources such as membership benefits, how to become involved, how to publish with YALSA, and all-important job search and career resources. It is the one-stop spot to support your professional development opportunities as you launch your career in teen services. Check it out http://www.ala.org/yalsa/resources-student-members or visit http://www.ala.org/yalsa/ and click on the YALSA members tab >> student members. |
About UsThe American Library Association is the oldest, largest and most influential library association in the world. For more than a century, it has been a leader in defending intellectual freedom and promoting the highest quality library and information services. Archives
April 2024